The long awaited Implementing Regulations of the amended GCC Patent Law are now available. The regulations were published in Issue 25 of the Official Gazette of the Secretariat General of the GCC and are expected to enter into force, as well as the amended Law, on February 1, 2022. These will undoubtedly pave the way to a clearer patent procurement process in the revamped GCC Patent System.

The Implementing Regulations further confirm the move from a unitary law to a country designation system and provides the option for national patent offices to elect the GCC Patent Office to act as the filing, examination and/or granting authority.

As a reminder, the amended GCC Patent Law was published on April 11, 2021. In brief, the new law sees amendments or replacements of a number of articles, namely Articles 1, 4, 9, 17-21, 25, 28-30 and 32-33. Most importantly though, is the introduction of Article 1 (bis) and its various provisions wherein the GCC Patent Office may accept new patent filings at the request of one of the GCC national offices, as well as its examination. No patent will be granted without the approval of the requesting national office or offices, and in all cases, a GCC patent will only be enforced in the said country or countries only.

More information on the actual procedures and requirements for utilizing the GCCPO will be provided in the near future.

Should you have any questions, or require any additional information, please contact us at